Dentist: Dr. Catharine Song

Dentist Dr. Catharine Song is taking Beverly Hill's by storm with her dentist services including tooth cleaning, brushing and exams.

Dentist: Dr. Catharine Song

Good dental health starts with choosing the best dentist. At a young age, we were taught of the importance of regular brushing, which is a must in maintain good dental hygiene. However, it requires professional assessment and services to thoroughly check dental health, be able to detect problems before they get worse, and receive corrective and preventive treatment. Hence, the very reason why you need to see your dentist regularly, preferably twice a year or every six months.

Oral health does not only involve the teeth but also the gums and surrounding structures. Excellent dental health will not only improve the physical appearance, but also the functions of the teeth and the overall quality of life. It will also boost self-confidence and improves self-image. Therefore, it is important to invest in your oral health, and one way of doing so is by making sure you have the best dentist in town.

The dental health team consists of dental health professionals such as a dentist and dental hygienist. Many dentists today have areas of specialization. In fact, some of them have multi-specialties to ensure that their clinic offers holistic dental care to patients of all ages. Some are cosmetic dentists, periodontists, orthodontists, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

Song Cosmetic Dentistry by Dr. Catharine Song is one of the premier dental clinics in Beverly Hills. It offers both general and cosmetic dental procedures to people in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. Dr. Song

The need for professional dental services

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a must, for it will not only improve your appearance but also the functions of your teeth. Crooked, missing, or diseased teeth can interfere with speech and proper chewing of food. Cavities, if not treated promptly, can be excruciatingly painful and will eventually decay not only the affected tooth but also the surrounding structures .The thing with cavities is that they don’t show any symptoms until the damage is severe. Hence, the importance of regular visits to your dental professional.

Keep in mind the following when looking for the best dentist in town

Check the credentials – With many dental clinics around the corner, choosing the best one can be a daunting task. You can narrow it down by checking the credentials. All dentists have gone through rigorous education. They need to be licensed dentists before they can open their practice. However, not all dentists pursue further studies. Choose a dentist that has stellar credentials, such as those who have attended extensive training, obtained certification for dental specialties, or someone who never stops learning.

Check the services offered – Look at the services offered by the dental clinic and keep in mind that not all dentists offer the same services. Look for the one that offers what you need. General dentists are ideal for the entire family because they cater to patients of all ages and offer a wide array of services, including restorative and preventative dental services. On the other hand, if you want to improve your smile, you will need a cosmetic dentist. It’s a special area of dentistry that requires extensive training. It includes services like teeth whitening, aligners, veneers, and implants.

Cost and insurance – Dental services aren’t cheap and some insurance policies don’t cover the cost of dental services, especially cosmetic dental procedures. When a dental emergency arises, you will want to make sure you can afford it. Check the dentist’s website and check for payment options. It is usually indicated on the website if the dentist accepts health insurance. If it is not mentioned on the website, do not hesitate to reach out to the clinic. They will be transparent about the cost of services and payment options.

Check for accessibility – When choosing a dentist, accessibility is a huge factor. You would want a dentist whose location is convenient for you. In times of dental emergency, you surely don’t want accessibility to get in the way. Check the location of the dentist’s office and assess if it’s something that you can easily reach even if you don’t have a private vehicle. Another factor to consider in terms of accessibility is the clinic hours. Does the clinic operate at a time convenient for you? Does the clinic accept emergency cases even in the wee hours of the night? Check the dental clinic’s website and if the operating hours are not stated there, do not hesitate to contact them.

While choosing the best dentist may appear to be a tedious process, it does not have to be if you know what you are looking for. It all boils down to narrowing your choice by taking into consideration the factors that matter the most. The factors we highlighted above put you on the right track.

For top-notch dental health service, contact Song Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Catharine Song and the rest of her dental team redefines the art of dentistry in the heart of Beverly Hills at 300 S Beverly Dr Ste #401, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. 

Morris Delucian
Morris Delucian

Coffee fan. Wannabe twitter ninja. Evil web aficionado. Wannabe beer fan. Award-winning bacon specialist.

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