What Happens When a Dentist Puts You to Sleep?

Learn about different types of sedation used by dentists during dental procedures such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation, intravenous (IV) sedation, and general anesthesia.

What Happens When a Dentist Puts You to Sleep?

When it comes to dental procedures, there are a few different options for sedation. The mildest is nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. This mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen helps to relax the body and put it in a state of calm and sedation. However, you are still awake and able to respond to orders and give feedback.

With sedation, the dentist administers medication before or during the dental procedure.The only type of general anesthesia that renders the patient completely unconscious is general anesthesia. The other forms of sedation will relax you, but won't knock you out completely. Oral sedation can make you quite sleepy and you may even fall asleep. But you'll still be able to contact your dentist if necessary and wake up with a gentle push.Because oral sedation temporarily affects memory and motor skills, you'll need a friend or family member to drive you home after the procedure.

You can expect a deeper sense of relaxation and relief from oral sedation. You will most likely feel sleepy and have difficulty speaking. Sedation also attenuates reflexes and coordination.It's common to have blurred memory or memory loss from the procedure. Patients also report that time passes faster under oral sedation.

Sleep dentistry, also called sedation dentistry, offers anxious patients a comfortable environment in which to receive treatment. With the exception of people under general anesthesia, patients are generally awake but relaxed.Sleep dentistry uses medications to help patients relax and feel sleepy during dental procedures. Sedation is not a pain medication; you may need local anesthesia to help increase your comfort in the dental chair. General anesthesia is the only true sleep dentistry option.

Under general anesthesia, patients remain completely unconscious throughout the treatment process.This ensures total comfort and relaxation, even during the most advanced oral surgery. For your safety, your vital signs will be closely monitored throughout your treatment and, if you are at increased risk of complications, we may recommend that you have the procedure done in a hospital. Your dentist can offer you many forms of sedation, from mild relaxation to total loss of consciousness, and will discuss the right types of sedation for your dental procedures and your stress level.Most people who receive intravenous sedation fall asleep and have little or no memory of their treatment when they wake up. During your dentist appointment, the dentist will insert a fine needle into a vein in your hand or arm.

You'll continue to receive local anesthesia to numb your teeth and gums, but your dentist usually does this once you're comfortable with sedatives.These pain relievers numb the area where the dentist will work, allowing you to enjoy the first few hours at home without pain after your dental procedure. You may also need to avoid taking certain medications the day before your dental visit because they can interfere with the sedative medication.It's important to make sure your dentist is trained and qualified to administer the type of sedation you will receive. You'll need to talk to your dentist to find out what sedation or pain relief technique is right for you. Sometimes children are given sedation if they are afraid to go to the dentist or refuse to cooperate during the visit.Sedation is best suited for people with a real fear or anxiety that prevents them from going to the dentist.

With conscious oral sedation, your dentist gives you sedative medications (usually in pill form) about an hour before the procedure starts.If you have worrying symptoms, such as nausea or vomiting, fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.33 degrees Celsius), or pain that doesn't improve with medication, call your dentist for further instructions. Sedation dentistry is generally not recommended for pregnant people because some sedative medications can affect fetal development.

Morris Delucian
Morris Delucian

Coffee fan. Wannabe twitter ninja. Evil web aficionado. Wannabe beer fan. Award-winning bacon specialist.

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