How to Get a Professional Dental Cleaning

Learn how dentists clean teeth with professional dental cleaning services, including scraping procedure, smoothing out rough spots on root surfaces, and more.

How to Get a Professional Dental Cleaning

Most dental cleanings are performed by a dental hygienist. Before the actual cleaning process begins, they begin with a physical exam of the entire mouth. Teeth cleaning is done in a dental office to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. Plaque is an adhesive film containing bacteria that forms on the surface of the tooth.

Tartar is a mineralized plaque that hardens and is difficult to remove with a toothbrush. Excessive plaque and tartar deposits can cause gingivitis or gum inflammation if left untreated. Regular professional dental cleaning helps prevent tooth decay and treat gum disease. A scraping, a procedure to clean the area below the gum line, may also be done while cleaning the teeth.

The dentist or hygienist uses a manual scraper or a high-speed ultrasonic instrument to clean the surfaces of the teeth. Even if you consider yourself the best person to brush and floss your teeth, there's nothing that can compare to professional dental cleaning from your Austin dentist. Services at this clinic are provided at discounted rates because students work under the supervision of board-certified dentists on the faculty. To understand why your teeth may be a little sensitive after dental cleaning, we need to explore what your dentist or hygienist is actually doing during this process.

In addition, your dentist will smooth (or brush) the root surfaces of your teeth to make it difficult for bacteria to “stick to” them in the future. Both routine dental cleanings and deep cleanings play an important role in preventing infections and tooth loss caused by gum disease. In cleanings, the dentist will use the right tools to remove bacteria buildup that the toothbrush can't get. After your dental hygienist cleans your teeth, it's recommended that you keep them in good condition by cleaning them at least three times a day.

If they persist, call your Austin dentist at Castle Dental to see how you should proceed with home care and if an appointment should be scheduled for an oral exam. These types of dental cleanings are a way for the dentist to get into hard-to-reach places in the mouth that are often neglected and left behind. However, depending on what your dentist or dental hygienist sees in your mouth, you may have other tests during your appointment. It's important to understand the difference between routine and deep cleanings so you know which one you need when you visit your dentist.

Routine cleanings are done every six months and involve removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line. Deep cleanings involve removing plaque and tartar from below the gum line as well as smoothing out rough spots on the root surfaces of your teeth where bacteria can accumulate. If a dentist detects tooth decay in one of your teeth, it's time to consider filling that cavity. Professional dental cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral health because they help prevent tooth decay and treat gum disease.

The scraping procedure helps remove plaque and tartar from below the gum line, while smoothing out rough spots on root surfaces makes it difficult for bacteria to stick in the future. After getting a professional dental cleaning, it's important to keep up with regular brushing and flossing at home in order to maintain good oral hygiene.

Morris Delucian
Morris Delucian

Coffee fan. Wannabe twitter ninja. Evil web aficionado. Wannabe beer fan. Award-winning bacon specialist.

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